Nursery Today Front Cover February 2020 Shnuggle

This month Nursery Today highlights a number of product categories, including bath time (page 16), swaddling (24) and nappy changing/toilet training (30).

You will see that our cover star this month is Shnuggle and after another record year in 2019 that saw milestone achievements and significant product launches, Shnuggle continue on their growth path. As the company has evolved from a small family business to a global success so too has the product line, with even more innovative launch plans for 2020. You can read more by turning to page 20.

You will also find an interview this month with Andy Crane, Managing Director, BabyStyle. Andy has always been a strong supporter of the independent retailer and by turning to page 34 you can find out why.

Our regular contributors have also been beavering away to bring you great content. For example, Jenny Kieras takes a look at the cost of raising an infant, Ross Hewitt focusses on video marketing, while over at Pramland, John Barker sums up the ‘Mothercare effect’.

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