Reusable nappy brand, Baba+Boo has launched its new collection, Cosy, from which 10% profits from its ‘Moonlight’ nappy will be donated to help fight homelessness.  

The new collection features six new prints including Autumnal leaves, acorns and a moonlit sky, and takes inspiration from the change of seasons. The company is using the launch to raise awareness of those people around the UK who might not have the luxury of getting ready to be cosy, by donating 10% of profits from its ‘Moonlight’ collection to The Greater Manchester Mayors Charity. This funding will be ring-fenced for the charity’s Bed Every Night initiative which provides a bed, warm welcome, and personal support for anyone who is sleeping rough or at imminent risk of sleeping rough in Greater Manchester. 

Vanessa Haworth, Head of Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity comments: “It is fantastic to be partnering with Baba+Boo. We are thrilled that Eve and the team will be donating funds from their new range to Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity. The funding will go directly to GM’s ‘A Bed Every Night’ programme, providing safe places to stay for thousands of people experiencing homelessness, in increasingly uncertain and worrying times. We stand together in Greater Manchester. It will take the efforts of us all to end homelessness. Collaborations like this are a brilliant example of how businesses and charities can work together to make a positive change.”

Eve Bell, Founder of Baba+Boo comments: “ As a purpose-driven company, we’re really committed to using our collection launches to talk about serious issues, and this one is no different. This collection got us thinking about all the people who don’t have the luxury of getting cosy, of those who are preparing for the colder, darker nights spent sleeping on the streets. That’s why we’ve partnered with the amazing local charity, The Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity, to support their Bed Every Night initiative. We’re so proud to be supporting them by donating 10% of profits from our ‘Moonlight’ nappy to help their work in supporting those experiencing, or at risk of, rough sleeping in our city.”

The nappies are available for £16.50 for one size and £11.95 for newborn size on the Baba+Boo website

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