The Big Challenge event saw 200 industry professionals walk, run, cycle and compete in a team Dragon Boat Tournament for the Toy Trust in support of its 2022 main charity partners – Starlight and Spread a Smile.

Amid sun (initially!), wind and rain – the event was hailed a big success by all who attended and took part, in what was the first Toy Trust Big Challenge event since 2019. This year’s event featured a highly popular Dragon Boat Tournament with companies and teams competing head-to-head in a series of races. The winner of the inaugural Big Challenge Dragon Boat trophy went to LEGO’s Destiny’s Bounty.

The event also saw a very successful tombola and prize draw of specially donated prizes from the industry including many limited edition and money can’t buy items and experiences which raised an additional £1,600 on the day.

As a result of the fundraising day, the Toy Trust has pledged its support to two inspiring and highly impacting children’s charities who both use the power of play to help children with life-limiting illnesses and those with severe illness who are undergoing traumatic medical treatment in hospital. The Toy Trust’s support for Starlight and Spread a Smile is expected to impact hundreds of children in need through its funding.

During the event, a Toy Trust Outstanding Contribution Award was presented to Gary Grant for his many years of dedication to the Toy Trust and for his leadership within The Entertainer ensuring the company’s support of the charity. As part of his presentation, it was mentioned that in over more than 20 years of support he has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for the Toy Trust.

Graham Canning, Toy Trust Committee Chairman said “The Toy Trust Big Challenge continues to be a fantastic event that unites people from all corners of the toy industry to generate fundraising for the children’s charities that we support across the year. It is fantastic to see toymakers, media partners and retailers all pulling together for such a brilliant cause. Thank you to everyone who supported the event; either participating, supporting or donating to the overall result – your contribution highlights what a committed and big-hearted industry we are! My congratulations and thanks also go to Gary Grant for his Toy Trust Outstanding Contribution Award which is very well-deserved.”

It is not too late to donate, and you can do so via the Toy Trust’s JustGiving campaign HERE

Photos of the event can be viewed here

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