Concept and innovation awards open for entry

The Baby Products Association has announced that its 2023 Concept & Innovation Awards are now open and anyone with an exciting new baby product invention is invited to submit an entry.

Robert Anslow of the Association explains: “As a trade association we are keen to promote excellence and innovation in the nursery industry and these annual awards encourage this. Over the years we have been presented with some extremely interesting and innovative ideas. Some of these turn out to be too ambitious in terms of manufacturing costs and realistic retail prices and there are always concerns about how some of the designs will be able to comply with rigorous testing and safety standards.

 “The Baby Products Association judges are a team of experts with many years combined experience in all aspects of baby products from design and manufacture, to safety and compliance to retail and marketing. They have been able to advise and guide entrepreneurs and help to support them in their journey to market.”

The Concept & Innovation Awards finalists will be invited to attend Harrogate International Nursery Fair from 15th to 17th October 2023 where the winners will be announced.

Entries are invited from anyone with an interesting and unique baby product idea – this could be from companies already working in the sector, mumpreneurs (or dadpreneurs!), to college and university students – the only criteria is that the product must not be launched into the market place prior to the trade show in October. 

More information and entry forms are available to download from the website at – the deadline to submit entries is 12 noon on 18th August 2023.


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