With the wheeled goods category continuing to grow and evolve, what better way to showcase the variety of products that are currently available than in one place within Nursery Today’s supplement covering all things ‘wheeled’!
As a staple nursery category for many retailers, brands continue to demonstrate that they offer a variety of options to suit every parents wants, needs and desires for their chosen set of wheels.
Whatever your customers are seeking, this fast-moving sector delivers on every front creating the perfect ‘trophy’ item for parents to push!
FEATURING: Travel Systems, Accessories, Compact Folds, Strollers & Wagons

RETAIL: Pramland’s John Barker offers advice and tips on how to manage & display wheeled goods in-store PLUS we chat with Baby&Co’s Managing Director Jeff Mills and Boo-tiful Baby’s owner Darran Neal to find out their thoughts on this fast-moving product category.

COVER STORY: BabyStyle’s flagship stockist scheme has gone from strength to strength – find out more by turning to our Cover Story.