Andrew Murphy, Group Chief Executive of The Entertainer, has burnished his already excellent retail career with a well-deserved OBE in King Charles’ New Year Honours list.

Andrew said in a wonderfully self-effacing manner: “I’m delighted, but a bit taken aback, to have been recognised in such a significant and unexpected way.

“More importantly however, I’m very conscious that, throughout all the years in which I’ve tried to help develop and advocate for the UK retail industry, for not one second of it was I working alone.” 

Andrew joined The Entertainer in October 2023 after 30 years of rising through the John Lewis ranks to COO. His reason for moving on? “I started to become overly aware that — by August 2022 — I’d have been with the John Lewis Partnership for 30 years. From the gates of university. 

Gary Grant, founder and Executive Chairman of The Entertainer, praised Andrew’s “knowledge, skills and experience” when he joined and highlighted these as the basis of continuing to grow the business both in the UK and globally.

Gary’s reaction to the award equally impressed: “We are thrilled that Andrew is being recognised in this way. It’s a testament to his depth of understanding and commitment to the retail environment and the future of our industry.”

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