Cybex achieves several top rankings in the child seat tests by Stiftung Warentest and ADAC in 2024.

Safety, operation, ergonomics and pollutant content – when choosing the right child seat, everything has to be right for parents and children. In the latest test (05/2024), ADAC and STIFTUNG WARENTEST once again evaluated 24 models in all sizes – four of them from the CYBEX Gold line. The quality is impressive. An overall score of “GOOD” (1.8) meant the CYBEX Cloud G i-Size infant car seat in combination with the Base G was rated as the best in class up to approx. 1 ½  years.* The Cloud G achieved an overall result of “GOOD” (2.0). The rear-facing CYBEX Sirona Gi i-Size child car seat received an overall rating of “GOOD” (2.2), giving it the best in class ranking in the 1 to approx. 4 years category. In the same category, the rear-facing Sirona G i-Size seat also received a “GOOD” (2.3) and greatly impressed the testers. 

CYBEX Managing Director, Johannes Schlamminger

“The selection available for child car seats is huge. It always makes us proud to see our products constantly achieving impressive results for their quality in the ADAC tests. After all, buying an infant car seat and then choosing the subsequent car seats are among the most important decisions parents can make. The latest ADAC test results surely provide young families with very good guidance, but even more serve to confirm our ongoing commitment to the highest safety standards and the efficacy of our research and development expertise. Parents can rest assured that their needs and those of their young passengers will always have maximum priority.”

CYBEX Head of the Child Safety Department, Franz Peleska

“Our aim is always to produce the safest car seats because we need to ensure that in case of accidents or collisions, any potential harm to children remains minimal. In order to achieve this, our products are tested rigorously and on a regular basis at our site in Bayreuth, which is one of most modern research facilities in the world for child safety. In our laboratory, we are even able to simulate realistic frontal and rear-end accidents or side collisions, that allow us to generate extensive data through the use of dummies and sensors and help us develop our products by redefining the status quo in child safety.

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