Proven lifesaving content from MAMA Academy is interwoven through a fun, interactive interface, combining features for parents to plan, record, share and learn through their journey (Pregnancy – 16 years).
Users of Bumpf can change the timing of content, notes, reminders and list items to match the needs to their unique journey with the team behind the app stating: “we believe it’s the most personalisable App around. From February we will be using our combined media access of 70%+ prenatal market coverage to drive downloads, which we believe will enable bumpf to be a useful tool for 100K+ parents over the next 18 months.”
It has been over 3 years’ work & team Goog; Sarah Wilkinson (Life Targeting), Heidi Eldridge (Mama Academy) & Rachel Bradbury (Custard & Crumble) look forward to growing bumpf content and capabilities.
They would love you to join their journey, so do get in touch to discuss any opportunities which start with our £600 + affiliate launch package via the below: or