Welcome to the September digital edition of Nursery Today.
This month you will find among the pages our feature on baby carriers and slings. This has been a growing sector, more so perhaps since the first lockdown in March 2020 demonstrating their popularity among new parents who have searched for a way to transport their newborns or infants while out and about without the necessity of a pram.

With an increased awareness among parents, these have definitely turned into a ‘must have’ nursery product for many parents. Turn to page 16 where you can view a range of products that are all available to order now. You will also find our pre-school feature starting over on page 24 and we shine the spotlight on Travel Systems (page 38).You will have noticed that our cover star this month is Baby Jogger and by turning over to page 12 you will find our cover story where you can check out their exciting new fashions across their popular City Mini 2 and City Mini G2 stroller ranges.
Our contributors continue to bring you articles of interest, with Pramland’s John Barker taking stock of the upcoming Harrogate Int. Nursery Fair (page 22), Online4baby’s Managing Director Christy Foster is focussed on the digital landscape over on page 30 and FanFinders (page 34) highlights sustainability and its importance to modern families. With nappy tax having been a topical subject recently, you will also find an article from The Nappy Alliance on page 41.
If you are looking ahead at exhibiting at an overseas venue, it might be worth taking a look at the article this month from The Baby Products Association who bring to our attention within their article over on page 42 that the government have withdrawn TAP funding. if you are exhibiting at Kind Und Jugend in 2022 or any other overseas exhibitions, this is definitely worth a read and contains important information.