Bizzimumzi, a resource & community for parents who simply want to do their best, even if it’s not perfect.

This week sees the launch of Bizzimumzi, a new website, resource and community for parents who simply want to do their best for their children, even if ‘best’ isn’t ‘perfect’.

Founded by successful entrepreneur Ashley Verma, Bizzimumzi is a welcoming community to share the highs and lows of parenting and inspire others to feel empowered in their journey.

With advice-based articles, podcast interviews with other moms (from a variety of different backgrounds, countries and experiences), an online community to ask questions and share stories and suggestions, and a fledgling shop, Ashley hopes to inspire, educate and support new and existing parents be the best they can be.

Ashley is a celebrity fitness trainer, founder of the hugely successful Define London fitness studio, and a former Broadway performer. Ashley is also an unsingle single mom of one. Although happily married, her husband works abroad in Uganda most of the year, so Ashley spends the majority of her time operating as a single mom, while also juggling her existing fitness business and Bizzimumzi. If anyone epitomises a ‘bizzimumzi’ it’s Ashley.

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