Plush brand Trudi Makes its Mark

Plush brand Trudi makes its mark on social media this season.

Premium plush brand Trudi has made an unforgettable debut on social media this autumn/winter, with the introduction of an extensive collection that has already grabbed the attention of the young and old.

With a heritage spanning more than 65 years, Trudi has long been a go-to brand for plush gifting and high-quality soft toys in the EU. But now, following the rollout of a wider, more comprehensive Trudi collection, as well as massive social drives for the range, the brand is truly beginning to establish its foothold in the UK market.

Something that has become key to Flair’s positioning of the brand is that Trudi’s premium quality and beautiful designs really translate in photographs. Recognising that Instagrammers are increasingly turning to Trudi as a brand of choice, Flair has opted to use social media to connect with consumers and drive awareness of the brand via these channels – and it’s working!

Over the last couple of months, Flair has sent out an impressive number of signature gifting boxes, partnering with high-profile parental influencers and bloggers, including celeb mum Helen Flanagan, who delivered a massive 2 million impressions to her devoted following through a series of dedicated coverage for Trudi. This activity has helped to really elevate Trudi’s profile both online and offline. Showing Trudi at its beautiful best, Instagram remains the platform of choice for this ongoing campaign.

The company has also invested into new UK social channels for Trudi, which have offered a platform to bring this online activity together, attracting thousands of regular followers in just a few short months.

Federico Sidero, Trudi Brand Manager, Flair GP, said, “It’s such an exciting time for retailers and buyers to get involved with Trudi. This is only stage 1! We have so many great plans for the range in spring, as well as in the months beyond. Plus, there will be continual refreshments within the product line throughout the year, so there will always be newness within the range. The important takeaway here is that we are deeply committed to Trudi and we really believe in the brand!”

For more information about how to be involved with Trudi please call Flair on 0208 643 0320 or email

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