Nursery Today February 2022

This month Nursery Today takes a look at sustainability, products with eco-credentials and what we are doing as an industry to lessen our own carbon footprints. Having talked to a variety of nursery suppliers and retailers, this is very much on everyone’s agenda. You can read their views by turning to both our Talking Shop and Supplier Snapshot pages within this issue.

CLICK HERE to read

You will also find happily nestled among the pages of this issue some great products within the bathtime category (page 38), items for toilet training and nappy changing (page 42) and swaddling (page 43).

Our contributors this month have been busy with Pramland’s John Barker full steam ahead with their warehouse and store expansion, giving us an update of how it’s going while also touching upon trading through January into February, while Online4Baby’s Managing Director Christy Foster is feeling confident as they move through 2022 after stepping up activity across all of their marketing channels.

Shnuggle is our Cover Star this month where they introduce their new Eco-Touch Nappy bin. This product has been designed to create an effortless, odour free changing time – to read all about it, simply turn to page 36.

Happy reading!

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