Elmer selected as a World Book Day £1 title for 2024

World Book Day has revealed that Elmer & the Patchwork Story is one of 15 new £1/€1.50 books selected to be part of the charity’s commitment to encourage reading for pleasure. The event takes place on March 7th in Elmer’s 35th anniversary year.

Elmer and the Patchwork Story by David McKee takes us on a brand new adventure with Elmer the Patchwork Elephant to discover the joy of telling, sharing, and making up stories. Do you know the story about the magic biscuit? Neither does Elmer! But the baby elephants want to hear it, so Elmer and his friends race to remember it before bedtime.

Paul Black, PR and Brand Director at Andersen Press has said: “World Book Day is the biggest event in children’s publishing, and having Elmer as a £1 book secures him a slot in schools, bookshops, supermarkets and libraries across the country, there is no better way to reach as many children! Elmer and the Patchwork Story is the perfect book for World Book Day celebrations as it brings together all of Elmer’s friends to enjoy the story. It forms a major part of our 2024 plans, which will see a full year of activity across the country celebrating Elmer, and his inclusive message, in his 35th anniversary year!”

At the core of the charity’s work to change lives through reading is the opportunity for all children to have a book of their own. More than 500,000 children in England don’t own a book,  which rises to one in 10 for children eligible for Free School Meals. Of these children, one in five shared that the book they ‘bought’ with their World Book Day token was the first book of their own.   

Data from World Book Day’s Impact Report  for 2023 revealed the charity’s considerable effect on the lives of children across the UK. In 2023, over 2 million £1/€1.50 books were gifted to children by booksellers and publishers. A total of 50 million £1/€1.50 book tokens were distributed by the charity through schools, magazines, partnerships and more, ensuring that as many children as possible had a book to enjoy and call their own. Over 4,000 booksellers and 1,930 libraries joined in with events, displays and activities and over 560,000 children enjoyed digital events in partnership with the National Literacy Trust and Book Trust.

Claire Potter, Metrostar’s founder adds, “World Book Day is a huge event in the lives of young families and brings with it new opportunities to promote and sell licensed products. We have welcomed seven new partners this year already and expect to add even more from our BLE meetings. Elmer and his licensees are preparing to turn the country patchwork in 2024!”

For over 35 years and across 30 stories, Elmer has spread a message of confidence, friendship and compassion to children all around the world.

Elmer is featured on Metrostar’s stand C251 at BLE

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