The Baby Products Industry Association (BPIA) is exploring the possibility of reintroducing its hugely successful UK Pavilion at Kind + Jugend at the 2025 show. The Association invites British companies (both members and non-members) to attend an informal meeting at 11am on Wednesday 4th September to find out more.

Marc Hardenberg, chair of the BPIA, explains: “The Association hosted a UK Pavilion at Kind + Jugend for many years and at its height had up to 70 British companies participating. The UK Pavilion was the largest country specific pavilion at the show and attracted visitors from around the world. Unfortunately, the covid pandemic put paid to the UK Pavilion until businesses recovered and reached a level of normality once again. We believe that Kind + Jugend 2025 would be the perfect timing to reintroduce the UK Pavilion and would love to gauge interest in British companies who would like to benefit from exhibiting as a collective.”

Meeting details:

Date:                       Wednesday 4th September 2024

Time:                      11am

Where:                  Conference Room 5, Congress Centre East, Koelnmesse

Light refreshments provided.

For more information, contact Julie Milne – or Marc –

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