My Babiie’s latest compact stroller has arrived!

I may be small but I’m perfectly formed! – My Babiie’s latest arrival – MBX4 – Ultimate Lightweight Compact Stroller

My Babiie’s new MBX4 is suitable from birth to maximum 15kg, these Ultra Lightweight strollers by Billie and Samantha Faiers are perfect for days out, socially distanced obviously! 

With all round suspension, a multi position recline and 3 position canopy, these strollers are perfect for out and about. The lightweight design and compact fold make these strollers perfect no matter what travel situation.  My Babiie have made life a little easier with the MBX4 stroller with a folded size at just 60cm x 25cm x 46cm and at a weight of just 5.8 kg lifting and carrying a stroller has never been so easy!

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